Sunday, June 27, 2010
Haji Lane with FCFC on friday after work together with Huixuan's friends Mingjun and Gibson! Wunying didn't went with us though. Huixuan wanted to look for her DIY stuff but most of the shops were closed by then, so we ended up eating, shisha-ing and watching World Cup in some Nasrin restaurant. Their service sucks ttm, ordered a plate of chicken chop and after 3 freaking hours, it still didn't came =.=, anyway had everything free in the end because something happened :D. B and his friends came to find us halfway, while Shalini and Terra's friends left, Liyana soon after too. Shisha-ed and watched World Cup the night away with the rest, Terra's friends came back to pick her, me and B up, they drove me and B back to my home and they headed off to some other place, thanks Terra's friends (: !

Will you catch me if I fall?