Mood totally ruined at the start of the day already because they made me go all the way to Chin Swee Road to report for work, and reached there to find out that the company already moved to Jalan Bukit Merah 2 months ago. Thanks B for accompanying me there(:. Rushed to the new place, ended up 1 hour late, FML. The supervisor is a nice person though lucky for me. But it gets really boring at times, only the supervisor to talk to in my office room and I dozed off many times.
Good thing is, the new place is more accessible, and its only 1 bus stop away from Liyana's workplace(: , which also means I won't have to eat lunch alone anymore!
Headed to SP after work with Liyana to find B, Michael and Ash, many others were there too.
Really miss school and everyone there D:

And good luck to the rest who are having ITP now too!